Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dr. Sketchy's 12.13.10

I went out to the Clermont Lounge, a venerable Atlanta institution, to take part in this month's Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School. Here's a few drawings from the night's session.

First up, a challenge to make the drawing into a fairy tale or fable. Add one spider, and voila! Little Miss Muffet.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Life drawing at work

Last week we had the first of what will hopefully be a regular in-house life drawing session at the office. We've got a great space, with a custom built mobile riser for the model. Things got started a little late, but it was a good night for drawing. Its been way too many months since I've done life drawing, and I'm looking forward to making it a regular habit again.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Out with the old

It's two years since I've posted anything here. The old stuff looks like just that: old stuff, and not representative of what I'm up to now, so away it goes for now, and a fresh start opens up. I don't promise to post often -- I'm too busy at work to guarantee that, and all of that work is under NDA, so I can't share any of it. I do plan to make time for more personal work though, and this blog is where I'll post it when I can.